Page 63Latitude, Longitude, and Time ZoneThe system automatically calculates the time of sunrise and sunset each day. Sunrise/sunset can be specified as the time ascheduling command is executed, as an enable/disable time, or as a darkness condition on a scheduling command or event button.To enable the system to properly calculate sunrise and sunset times, you must enter your latitude, location north or south of theequator, longitude, location east or west of the Prime Meridian, and time zone.These items should be set to the proper values for the location where the Aegis 3000 is installed. The latitude and longitude for aparticular location may be obtained from These values should be entered to the nearestdegree.The value entered for the time zone is the number of hours difference between local standard time at the Aegis 3000 location andGreenwich Mean Time. The following values should be used for the standard time zones in North America:ZONE NAME4 ATLANTIC5 EASTERN6 CENTRAL7 MOUNTAIN8 PACIFIC9 YUKON10 ALASKA-HAWAII11 BERINGThe value specified for longitude may be adjusted to correct for areas, such as Nova Scotia, where the local time differs fromGreenwich Mean Time by a non-hourly amount. The calculated time of sunrise/sunset will change by four minutes for everydegree change in longitude. To cause the calculated sunrise/sunset to occur later, enter a larger value for longitude. Enter asmaller value for longitude to cause the time to occur earlier.It is not necessary to alter the time zone to compensate for daylight savings time, the Aegis 3000 will automatically adjust itscalculations for sunrise and sunset, and time when daylight savings time begins and ends.LATITUDE: 300-60 ◊LATITUDE N/S: 11=NORTH 2=SOUTH ◊LONGITUDE: 900-180 ◊LONGITUDE E/W: 21=EAST 2=WEST ◊TIME ZONE: 60-12 ↑Daylight SavingsThe Aegis 3000 automatically calculates the day of daylight savings time each year. It also adjusts the "time of day" each timedaylight savings time begins and ends.To enable the system to properly calculate daylight savings time, a start month, start weekend, end month, and end weekend isset-up at the factory. You may change or disable this function if desired.DST START MONTH: 41-12 0=DISABLE ◊