Page 75CODE DESCRIPTION250 VAULT536 VCR537 VIDEO538 VISITOR539 VOLUME540 WAITING541 WALK542 WALKWAY251 WAREHOUSE543 WARNING187 WATER544 WEDNESDAY28 WELCOME TO AEGIS545 WELCOME188 WEST189 WINDOW546 WINE252 WING547 WINTER548 WOOD549 WORK253 YARD550 YOU190 ZONE601 PHRASE 1602 PHRASE 2603 PHRASE 3604 PHRASE 4CODE DESCRIPTION605 PHRASE 5606 PHRASE 6607 PHRASE 7608 PHRASE 8609 PHRASE 9610 PHRASE 10611 PHRASE 11612 PHRASE 12613 PHRASE 13614 PHRASE 14615 PHRASE 15616 PHRASE 16617 PHRASE 17618 PHRASE 18619 PHRASE 19620 PHRASE 20621 PHRASE 21622 PHRASE 22623 PHRASE 23624 PHRASE 24625 PHRASE 25626 PHRASE 26627 PHRASE 27628 PHRASE 28629 PHRASE 29630 PHRASE 30631 PHRASE 31632 PHRASE 32CODE DESCRIPTION633 PHRASE 33 (1&2)634 PHRASE 34 (3&4)635 PHRASE 35 (5&6)636 PHRASE 36 (7&8)637 PHRASE 37 (9&10)638 PHRASE 38 (11&12)639 PHRASE 39 (13&14)640 PHRASE 40 (15&16)641 PHRASE 41 (17&18)642 PHRASE 42 (19&20)643 PHRASE 43 (21&22)644 PHRASE 44 (23&24)645 PHRASE 45 (25&26)646 PHRASE 46 (27&28)647 PHRASE 47 (29&30)648 PHRASE 48 (31&32)649 PHRASE 49 (1-4)650 PHRASE 50 (5-8)651 PHRASE 51 (8-12)652 PHRASE 52 (13-16)653 PHRASE 53 (17-20)654 PHRASE 54 (20-24)655 PHRASE 55 (25-28)656 PHRASE 56 (29-32)657 PHRASE 57 (1-8)658 PHRASE 58 (9-16)659 PHRASE 59 (17-24)660 PHRASE 60 (25-32)NOTES ON CUSTOM PHRASESWhen you can't find a word that you need to complete a voice description or voice message, you have to ability to record acustom phrase in Aegis 3000. This phrase can then be used as part of your voice description and spoken over the telephone alongwith the item number that is normally spoken. It can also be part of your voice descriptions for a message that is spoken over aspeaker in your home or business. There is enough memory in Aegis 3000 for 62 seconds of voice data.Phrases 1-32 are unique two-second phrases.Phrases 33-48 are four-second phrases that are made up of 2 two-second phrases. If you have a need for a voice description orvoice message to be longer than the two-second allotment for Phrases 1-32, then Phrases 33-48 can be used to simulate a four-second phrase. For example, when you record Phrase 33 (which is a four-second phrase), the voice data is actually stored inPhrase 1 and Phrase 2. In this case, Phrase 1 and Phrase 2 are probably unusable individually because the first half of the voicedata for Phrase 33 is stored in Phrase 1 and the second half is stored in Phrase 2.Phrases 49-56 are eight-second phrases that are made up of 4 two-second phrases. For example, when you record Phrase 49(which is an eight-second phrase), the voice data is stored in Phrases 1-4. In this case, Phrases 1-4 are probably unusableindividually because the voice data for Phrase 49 is divided up and stored in those phrase locations.Phrases 57-60 are sixteen-second phrases that are made up of 8 two-second phrases. For example, when you record Phrase 57(which is a sixteen-second phrase), the voice data is actually stored in Phrases 1-8. In this case, Phrases 1-8 are probablyunusable individually because the voice data for Phrase 57 is divided up and stored in those phrase location.