24 GB 08 0312.When the spray liquid is well mixed, turn handle onthe Pressure Manifold towards ìSprayingî position.Keep P.T.O. engaged so the spray liquid is continu-ously agitated until it has been sprayed on the crop.SprSprSprSprSpraaaaay Ty Ty Ty Ty Tececececechnique - see sehnique - see sehnique - see sehnique - see sehnique - see separparparparparaaaaate bookte bookte bookte bookte bookFilling by HARDI FILLER chemical inductorPowder chemicalsFilling of powder chemicals is done as follows:1. Fill the main tank at least 1 / 2 with water (unless some-thing else is stated on thechemical container label).See section ìFilling ofwaterî.2. Turn the handle at theSuction Manifoldtowards ìMain tankî.Close remainingvalves.3. Turn the handle at thePressure Manifoldtowards ìHARDIFILLERî. Closeremaining valves.4. Engage the pumpand increaseP.T.O. speed to540 r.p.m. or1000 r.p.m. depend-ing on pump model.5. Open the bottom valve Aat the FILLER. OpenFILLER lid.6. Engage the hopper rinsing device by opening valve C.7. Measure the correct quantity of chemical and sprinkleit into the hopper as fast as the rinsing device canflush it down.8. If the chemical container is empty it can be rinsed bythe container rinsing device (if fitted). Fit the bagbracket and place the powder bag over the multi-holenozzle and press the lever B.WARNING! Do not press lever B unless themulti-hole nozzle is covered by a container toavoid spray liquid hitting the operator.IMPORTANT! Rinsing device uses spray liquid to rinsecontainers for concentrated chemicals. Always rinse thechemical containers with clean water several times untilthey are clean before disposal.9. Close valve C again when the hopper is rinsed.IMPORTANT! The hopper rinsing device is using sprayliquid to rinse the hopper for concentrated chemical. TheFILLER must always be cleaned together with the rest ofthe sprayer when the spray job is done.10.Close valve A and the FILLER lid again.11.Turn handle at the Pressure Manifold towards ìInten-sive Agitationî and close remaining valves to mix thespray liquid.T042-0002T020-0007T020-0012