33GB 11 02 01Disconnecting the frDisconnecting the frDisconnecting the frDisconnecting the frDisconnecting the front tankont tankont tankont tankont tankDisconnect the hoses (please see next page) beforedisconnecting the front tank.Parking stand for front tank (Optionmal equipment)A parking stand (ref. no. 833269) can be used forparking the front tank when not used.The height of the legs can be adjusted.Disconnecting the MARRODisconnecting the MARRODisconnecting the MARRODisconnecting the MARRODisconnecting the MARROAlways clean the sprayer - inside and outside - before dis-connecting and parking it.WARNING! To prevent the sprayer from tippingover, do not disconnect the sprayer from the trac-tor with the booms unfolded unless the boom issupported!Remember to disconnect all hoses and cables from thetractor.WARNING! If the sprayer is parked unattendedavoid unauthorised persons, children or animalshaving access to the sprayer.Disconnecting the MARRO liftDisconnecting the MARRO liftDisconnecting the MARRO liftDisconnecting the MARRO liftDisconnecting the MARRO liftIMPORTANT! The MARRO lift must be placed on a leveland hard foundation. Failure to do so may cause settlingof support legs - and the sprayer will tip over. If neces-sary, place the sprayer on a bearing plate to prevent this.Max.ground inclination: 8.5∞.1. Remove the pin.2. Pull down the support legtill the upper hole in the innerprofile matches the hole A inthe outer profile.3. Fasten this position by the pin.NOTE! All of the 4 support legs must be pulled downbefore lowering and disconnecting the sprayer.4. Lower the sprayer5. Disconnect top bar, stopengine and disconnectPTO-shaft, hydraulicsand electric cables6. Pull the string to disen-gage the semi auto-matic hitch lockingdevices and lower thelift arms fullyT021-0016xAsemikobling meT021-0004x