26 GB 08 03T020-0021T020-0022T020-0023SafSafSafSafSafety prety prety prety prety precautionsecautionsecautionsecautionsecautionsAlways be careful when working with cropprotection chemicals!PPPPPererererersonal prsonal prsonal prsonal prsonal protectionotectionotectionotectionotectionDependant on which type of chemical used, thefollowing protective clothing/equipment should be used:ï Glovesï Waterproof bootsï Headgearï Respiratorï Safety gogglesï Chemical resistant overallThis equipment should be worn to avoid contact with thechemicals!ï Protective clothing/equipment should be used whenpreparing the spray liquid, during the spraying workand when cleaning the sprayer. Also follow the recom-mendations on the chemical label.ï It is always advisable to have clean water available,especially when filling the sprayer with the chemical.ï Always clean the sprayer carefully and immediatelyafter use.ï Do not mix different chemicals in the tank.ï Always clean the sprayer before changing to anotherchemical.OperOperOperOperOperaaaaation oftion oftion oftion oftion of the tank drthe tank drthe tank drthe tank drthe tank drain vain vain vain vain valvalvalvalvalveeeeePull the string at left hand side of the front tank to openthe drain valve. The valve is spring-loaded but can bekept open by pulling the string out and upwards in the V-shaped slit.To release and close the drain valve again pull the stringdownwards and the valve will close automatically.If draining a residue, e.g. liquid fertilisers into a reservoir,a snap coupler with hose can rapidly be connected tothe drain valve, and the liquid let safely out.Rinsing tank drRinsing tank drRinsing tank drRinsing tank drRinsing tank drain vain vain vain vain valvalvalvalvalveeeeeTo avoid algae developing in the rinsing tank alwaysdrain the rinsing tank when the sprayer is not in use for along period.