9GB 05 01 02BCT021-Connecting the MARRO liftConnecting the MARRO liftConnecting the MARRO liftConnecting the MARRO liftConnecting the MARRO liftThe MARRO is designed for three point suspension andis equipped with semi automatic hitch for the tractor liftarms (cat. II wide).1. Fit the carrier rod in tractor lift arms and secure with10 mm pins A.2. Lower tractor lift arms3. Reverse tractor till carrier rodis under the sprayer hitch4. Lift the lift arms carefully tillthe locking devices ìclicksîand the carrier rod is lockedto the sprayer frame5. Fit the top bar, secure withpins6. Lift the sprayer7. Retract each of the foursupport legsRetraction of support legs1. Remove the lock pin.2. Push up the support leg till the lower hole B in theinner profile matches the hole C in the outer profile.3. Fasten this position by the pin A.4. Position the tractor lift so the boom can be lowered to45-50 cm in lowest position, and adjust top bar untilthe gantry is perpendicular to the ground.st¯tteben megaConversion between cat. II and cat. IIIBoth the semi automatic hitch and the 3-point linkageframe for front tank are standard cat. II wide. For usewith cat. III use bushes A (ref. no. 147575). Secure withlock pin.The clevis for top bar is standard cat III. For use with cat.II use bushes B (ref. no. 147576).T021-023xAB