32HARDI® MUSTANG 3500 OPERATOR’S MANUALTank Alarm Set Point (Default setting = OFF)This SYSTEM CAL position is used to SET the audible alarm to alertthe operator when the tank has reached this preset level. SET thisvalue to the desired level in gallons (liters). NOTE: When the alarmactivates, press the TANK button to shut off.Dial position: Display will read:PSICAL bardatameters inchesRateERROR 1 2 3Gal / Ackg / haLbs N / Acliters / haGal / 1000Sprayer Type (Default setting = Evc)This SYSTEM CAL position is used to select the sprayer type, whichcontrols the behavior of the section valves based on whether or not thesystem contains a MAIN vavle."EC": If the sprayer system has a MAIN on/off valve select"EC". With this setting, when console is put into HOLD, only the MAINvalve will shut off, the individual section valves are left alone."EVC": If MAIN valve is not present, select the "EVC". With thissetting, when the console is put into HOLD, all section valves will beturned off.Dial position: Display will read:PSICAL bar metersinchesRateERROR 1 2 3N/ Acliters / ha G3MIN. FLOWFIELD FLOW