38HARDI® MUSTANG 3500 OPERATOR’S MANUALBoom WidthEnter the working width, in inches (meters), for the boom sectioncurrently shown on the display. Use the ADJUST switch to adjust thedisplayed value to the correct width for the boom number (in the topdisplay). Turn all booms off, display will read SELEC. Begin with thefarthest right boom switch and work your way left, repeating thisprocedure for each boom section. A value of “0” (.000) must beentered for any unused boom section.BOOM WIDTHPSICAL bardatameters inchesRateERROR 1 2 3Gal / Ackg / haLbs N / Acliters / haGal / 1000Dial position: Display will read:Setting Individual Boom WidthIn order to accurately measure the number of units applied per acre, itis important to determine the correct “working” width. The working widthis the width of ground being affected by any operation. This should bemeasured to the nearest inch (thousandth of a meter).Your working width will be the number of nozzles on that boomsection times the nozzle spacing in inches (mm). For example, ifyou have 7 nozzles spaced at 20 inches, the working width is 140inches.ADDITIONAL BOOM WIDTH FEATURE:To adjust the constant pressure distribution valves, first toggle themaster switch to MAN and the rotary switch to Non-Cal position andusing the adjust switch, adjust the pressure regulating valve to yourtarget application pressure. After reaching target pressure, rotate rotaryswitch to boom width position. After 5 seconds the output to eachdistribution valve will be electronically isolated allowing the distributionvalve to be operated manually to adjust bypass to maintain constantpressure when distribution valve is turned off.