4 - Sprayer setup54Electrical connectionsGeneral informationIf your equipment includes an electrical component, please note thefollowing information to correctly connect the equipment and toprevent problems when working.The voltage required by the electrical components is 12 V. Beforeconnecting any component, make sure that the polarity is correct.Red wire = 12 V (+ positive)Black wire = (- negative)This is the standards for the majority of modern tractors. If your tractorhas another type of power supply connector, the supplied connectorwill need to be removed and adapted to the tractor connector.Operating unitFind a place in the tractor’s cab where it is possible to fit the controlbox so you can operate it as comfortable as possible. The mostrecommended place is to the right of the driver’s seat.The control box must be properly attached to prevent it from beinghit or from excessive vibrations.The connector type is universal and it should be able to beconnected to any tractor. Do not connect into coincidently wires intractor cabin, as it will not secure stable power and current.Minimum requirement: min 11V max 13 V Amp. Per SV section 2.5Amp. Per CB section 0.75As an emergency solution, remove the connector and splice thewires directly to the battery, remember to have fuse in between.μ ATTENTION! The control box must be properly attached toprevent it from being hit or excessive vibrations.The connector type is universal and it should be able to beconnected to any tractor.As an emergency solution, remove the connector and splice thewires directly to the battery.± WARNING! Always remember: Red wire (+) Black wire (-)€ DANGER! Always turn off any spray computer before you unplug the power supply and cable to the sprayer. Datatransmission must stop, before power supply is stopped.