5 - Operation69Fluid circuitFilling/washing location requirementsWhen filling the sprayer with chemicals and water it is important to avoid spot contamination by spray chemicals in orderto protect the subsoil water resources.A. If the mistblower is always filled at the same place, a special filling/washing location should be established. This shouldhave a hard, liquid-impenetrable surface (e.g. concrete) securing against seepage and edges securing against run-offto the surrounding areas. The place should be drained to an adequate receptacle (e.g. slurry tank or similar).Any spillage or washings should be retained and diluted in order to be distributed on a larger area to ensure minimalenvironmental impact and avoid build-up of larger chemical concentrations at one spot.If no other requirements of distances exist, the following general recommendation of distance could be used. Notcloser than:1) 50 metres from public water supplies for drinking purposes,2) 25 metres from non-public water supplies for drinking purposes, treatment sumps and cesspools of drainagesystems, and3) 50 metres from surface water (watercourses, lakes and coastal waters) and from nature reserves.B. Alternatively the sprayer can be filled in the field where the spraying is to take place. If so, choose a different locationfor each refilling.If no other requirements of distances exist, the filling should not be established closer than:1) 300 metres from public or non-public water supplies for drinking purposes and2) 50 metres from surface water (watercourses, lakes and coastal waters), treatment sumps, cesspools of drainagesystems, and nature reserves.μ ATTENTION! Legislation and requirements vary from country to country. Always follow local legislation in force at anytime.÷ NOTE! It is the responsibility of the sprayer owner/operator to comply with all relevant legislation. HARDI cannotundertake any responsibilities for incorrect operation and use.Filling with waterThe tank should be filled to a third of its capacity with clean water beforeadding the chemical product. Always follow the instructions given onthe product label!± WARNING! If spray liquid is left in the tank, for safety reasons allvalves must be shut.HARDI3/32/31/30