6-16 IBM Personal Computer User GuideAdvanced SetupYou can use these features to configure advanced hardware features. Do notattempt to change these settings unless you have an advanced technical knowledgeof computer hardware. If these settings are configured incorrectly, the computermight not function correctly.Cache ControlUse this setting to enable or disable the internal and external processor cache.Overall system performance improves when cache is enabled.ROM ShadowingVideo BIOS ShadowUse this setting to determine whether or not video BIOS will be copied to RAM.Video performance improves when Video BIOS Shadow is enabled.Power Management SetupThe Power Management Setup allows you to configure your system to use the mosteffective method of saving energy, while operating in a manner consistent with yourown style of computer use.APMVideo Off OptionThis setting determine the video off function for power management.Enabled Video shadow is enabledDisabled Video shadow is disabledAlways On The video function is always on.Suspend -> off The video function is off when the system is inSuspend mode.Susp, Stby -> off The video function is off when the system is inSuspend or Stand by mode.All Mode -> off The video function is off in all modes.