v If you are using Ethernet for your network, you can use a crossover cable todirectly connect the PC to the adapter card temporarily. This will isolate the PCand server from any potential problems on your network that might interferewith proper operations.Note: A crossover cable is a standard network cable but has the transmit andreceive signal wires reversed. This virtually allows each end to act as if ahub, switch, or router is between them.v If you are running Windows NT on a local console directly attached to theserver with remote access allowed, check the following:ā Verify that the configuration of the modem that receives the call at the localconsole is not set to Dial out only.ā Verify that you have Installed Microsoft Service Pack 6 (or later) afterInstalling Remote Access Service.Windows Me drops connection every 20 minutesMicrosoft added a new set of options to Windows Me that does not exist in anyother operating system. Windows Me does not consider Operations Console datatransfer to be activity. Windows Me has an option in which the connection dropsafter 20 minutes without activity. To fix this problem, follow these instructions:Note: A configuration must exist and must have connected successfully at leastonce so the connection object in Dial-up Networking is created.1. Click Start.2. Click Settings.3. Click Control Panel.4. Click Dial-up Networking.5. Right-click on the connection icon and select Properties.6. Select the Dialing tab.7. Uncheck Enable idle disconnect and Disconnect when connection may not beneeded.8. Restart the PC in order for the new options to take effect.Console fails to connect and port detection failsIf your console fails to connect and your port detection fails, here are somepossible reasons:v Sometimes RealPlayer or RealJukebox interferes with port detection and usage.v Some PDA drivers or software may also prevent connections or port detection.Performance degradation on local consoleThe most likely reason for performance degradation is that the communicationport is not running a buffered UART (Universal Asynchronous Receive/Transmitserial port chip).If the operating system is Windows 98, you can:1. Go into the Advanced settings for the comm port and verify the check mark ischecked to use a buffered UART, but it will most likely be checked. Make surethe Receive Buffer setting is not set to the right-most setting.2. Uncheck the check box.3. Restart the PC.4. Go back into the Advanced settings and recheck the option.5. Restart the PC again.Chapter 6. Troubleshoot Operations Console connections 103