v The adapter location is fixed or at least limited for independent servers orprimary partitions. Based on your server’s hardware requirements you may havelimited choices of console types. Try to accommodate at least one additionalconsole type, if possible.v For secondary partitions consider:– In an LPAR environment, the term alternate console is referring to a consoletype located in another IOP tagged as the alternate console. If a failure of theprimary console is detected, the system will automatically try the alternateconsole’s IOP. This gives you another level of protection. Tagging a single IOPas both the primary console and the alternate console does not give you thisprotection from an IOP-type failure. Further isolation can be planned byplacing the alternate console IOP on a different bus so that failures of theprimary console’s bus will not prevent a console from being available.– The current implementation for tagging a console type is only at the IOPlevel. Placing two network adapters for the same IOP can sometimes make itdifficult to determine, in advance, which network adapter will be used for theconsole. IBM recommends only one network adapter for the IOP tagged asthe primary console to support Operations Console local console on anetwork.– Consider a shared resource environment in which you can allocate anddeallocate a console supporting IOP to a partition on a part-time basis. Manywork environments rarely need a console device on a full-time basis and youcan reduce your initial cost of dedicated hardware by implementing thisconcept.– If the load source storage device fails and the system recovery will includethe use of the IBM distribution Licensed Internal Code media instead of acustomer backup, and the system is using Operations Console (LAN), youmay have to use another console type for the initial portion of the systemrecovery.Planning configuration types for additional backup consoles:Note: If you plan to use Operations Console local console on a network (LAN) asa backup to another console type, you must have the console type set toOperations Console (LAN) and have the associated network adapterconfigured prior to needing this device. Setting the console to OperationsConsole (LAN) does not prevent an Operations Console (direct) or twinaxialfrom becoming the console during an IPL. Just make certain only oneconsole type is available during the IPL.Backup console configuration types:v If your server is accessed remotely, consider off-site console capability or anotherconnectivity for the console. A local console on a network can be backed up withadditional local console on a network PC. If the network adapter were to fail,consider a local console directly attached to the server as a backup. By changingthe console type to a local console directly attached to the server with remoteaccess, you can add the ability for a remote PC to become the console.v In an LPAR or multiple server environment you will most likely be usingmultiple local console on a network configurations on a single PC as yourprimary consoles. Consider additional PCs using this same type configuration.Avoid supporting too many consoles on the same PC if possible. The PCresources can be easily overwhelmed when supporting multiple consoles andremote control panels.v Consider multiple local console on a network configurations in largeenvironments so that each PC has a core set of console responsibilities and theChapter 3. Plan for Operations Console 9