2. If it is not found, use these instructions to install it:a. Place the installation media, if CD-ROM, into the CD—ROM drive andwait for the program to begin. Then, close the window. If the program didnot automatically start, or the installation media is not a CD-ROM,continue with the next step.b. Click Start –> Settings –> Control Panel.c. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.d. Click one of the following, based on the operating system:v Windows Setup tabv Windows NT Setup tabe. Select Communications.f. Click Details.g. Place a check mark in the box preceding HyperTerminal by clicking on thebox.h. Click OK.i. Click Apply.j. Follow the instructions in any prompts that may show up. If you arepresented a window in which you might replace a newer file with an olderone, click Yes to keep the newer file.When you are ready to use HyperTerminal, see the Use HyperTerminal topic.Use HyperTerminal: If you have not installed HyperTerminal, see the InstallHyperTerminal topic. To use HyperTerminal:1. Click your path:v Start –> Programs –> Accessories –> HypertTerminalv Start –> Programs –> Accessories –> Communications –>HypertTerminal2. In the Connect To window, enter a name, select an icon, and then click OK.3. A new Connect To window will appear. Click the little arrow at the end of linefor Connect using:4. Select the communications port being used for the console. It might also belisted as direct to COMn (where n is 1 to 4). Click OK.5. A COMn Properties window will appear. Change the speed to 9600. Click OK.Note: Failure to set the speed to 9600 will result in all unintelligible text andyou will not see the desired results.6. The HyperTerminal window will open. In the lower-left corner the statusshould report as Connected and the time will be incrementing.7. In the data window you may get:v Nothingv Unintelligiblev +++ATH08. Do a Disconnect.9. Select File –> Properties.10. You should be in the Properties for the connection you just created. Select theSettings tab.11. Click the ASCII Setup button.12. Change the following settings so there is a check mark in the check box:v Send line ends with line feedsChapter 6. Troubleshoot Operations Console connections 105