__ 4. Install iSeries Access for Windows.__ 5. Apply iSeries Access for Windows service packs.__ 6. Configure a service host name.__ 7. Create service tools device IDs on the server.__ 8. Confirm installation of TCP/IP on the PC.__ 9. Configure Operations Console on the PC.Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows 2000: Localconsole on a networkComplete the following checklist to set up a local console on a network onWindows 2000:__ 1. Run prerequisite checking program on the PC.__ 2. Meet Operations Console hardware requirements.__ 3. Meet Operations Console software requirements.__ 4. Install iSeries Access for Windows.__ 5. Apply iSeries Access for Windows service packs.__ 6. Configure a service host name.__ 7. Create service tools device IDs on the server.__ 8. Configure Operations Console on the PC.Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows XP: Local consoleon a networkComplete the following checklist to set up a local console on a network onWindows XP:__ 1. Run prerequisite checking program on the PC.__ 2. Meet Operations Console hardware requirements.__ 3. Meet Operations Console software requirements.__ 4. Install iSeries Access for Windows.__ 5. Apply iSeries Access for Windows service packs.__ 6. Configure a service host name.__ 7. Create service tools device IDs on the server.__ 8. Configure Operations Console on the PC.Set up a local console through dial-up supportThere are unique setup prerequisites depending on the operating system you areusing. Select the operating system on which you are installing Operations Console:Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows 98/MeComplete the prerequisite checklist for a local console through dial-upsupport running Windows 98/Me.Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows NTComplete the prerequisite checklist for a local console through dial-upsupport running Windows NT.Complete prerequisite checklist for Windows 2000Complete the prerequisite checklist for a local console through dial-upsupport running Windows 2000.38 iSeries: iSeries Access for Windows Operations Console