Note: After the system has fully powered down, you may remove the directlyattached console device. Then, you will most likely perform an IPL innormal mode and allow users to access the system.After you complete this task, you need to Configure the modem for your localconsole through dial-up configuration.Configure the modemIf the server is currently using a 7852-400, 7855-10, 7857-017 or the integrated 2771or 2793 modem, the line activation will automatically switch the modem, ifnecessary, to the correct mode. If the server is using another modem type you haveto specify Other for the modem type and possibly even supply an initializationstring to allow the communications line to be activated in a manner that itsupports Operations Console.The server uses any of the following modems:v 7852: Configuration switches are on one side. The modem automatically usessynchronous connections and can be set to asynchronous mode withoutchanging any switches. You do not need to make any changes to this modemconfiguration.v 7855: You can configure it by using the buttons on the front of the modem. Italso uses synchronous connections automatically, and you can switch it toasynchronous mode without intervention. You do not need to make any changesto this modem configuration.v 7857: You can configure it by using the buttons on the front of the modem. Italso uses synchronous connections automatically, and you can switch it toasynchronous mode without intervention. Nevertheless, you have to perform anadditional configuration every time you attempt to connect to this modem.v 2771 or 2793: This adapter card has an integrated asynchronous modem andrequires no configuration.To configure the 7857 modem to make a connection:1. Press the Up arrow key 11 times until C106 (CTS) U11 is shown.2. Press the Right arrow key 3 times until C106 Always follows C105 is shown.3. Press the Enter key twice.4. This should turn on the Clear to send (CTS) light.Important: Check the light before activating the communications line.You must perform the steps before attempting to activate the iSeriescommunications line. If the attempt fails, you must again perform the steps. Youmay have to do this setup more than once.For more information on configuring a modem, see Modem initialization andconfiguration.Modem initialization and configuration: This will assist you in modifying theinitialization strings for modems that work in a local console through dial-upsupport environment. It also assists you in finding a workable string for youroriginal equipment manufacturer (OEM) modem at the iSeries side of theconnection.See the following for more information:v Determine the initialization string for OEM modemsv Modem initialization strings for the iSeries server and PCChapter 4. Set up Operations Console 59