Understanding fonts145AdministrationResident fontsYour MFP is equipped with resident fonts stored permanently in MFP memory. Different fonts areavailable in PCL 6 and PostScript 3 emulations. Some of the most popular typefaces, like Courierand Times New Roman, are available for all printer emulations.The following table lists all the fonts resident in your MFP. See Printing a font sample list forinstructions on how to print samples of the fonts. You can select the resident fonts from yourapplication, or from the operator panel if you are using PCL 6 emulation.Supported fontsPostScript 3 font names PCL 6 font namesAlbertusMT Albertus MediumAlbertusMT-ItalicAlbertusMT-LightAlbertus Extra BoldAntiqueOlive-Roman Antique OliveAntiqueOlive-Italic Antique Olive ItalicAntiqueOlive-Bold Antique Olive BoldAntiqueOlive-CompactArialMT ArialArial-ItalicMT Arial ItalicArial-BoldMT Arial BoldArial-BoldItalicMT Arial Bold ItalicAvantGarde-Book ITC Avant Garde BookAvantGarde-BookOblique ITC Avant Garde Book ObliqueAvantGarde-Demi ITC Avant Garde DemiAvantGarde-DemiOblique ITC Avant Garde Demi ObliqueBookman-Light ITC Bookman LightBookman-LightItalic ITC Bookman Light ItalicBookman-Demi ITC Bookman DemiBookman-DemiItalic ITC Bookman Demi ItalicClarendon Condensed BoldCoronet-Regular CoronetCourier CourierPS