Using the MFP control panel and menus1518 Using the MFP control panel andmenusUnderstanding the MFP control panelThis chapter contains information about understanding the control panel, changing print settings,and understanding control panel menus.You can change most print settings from your application or print driver. Settings you change fromthe application or print driver apply only to the job you are preparing to send to the MFP.Changes made to print, fax, copy, and e-mail settings from an application override changes madefrom the control panel.If you cannot change a setting from your application, use the MFP control panel, MarkVisionProfessional, or the Web pages. Changing a setting from the MFP control panel, MarkVisionProfessional, or the Web pages makes that setting the user default.The MFP control panel consists of the following items:• 240 x 64 liquid crystal display (LCD) capable of showing eight lines of text with 40 characterson a line• Four buttons that light up when pressed—Copy, Fax, E-mail, and Print/ProfilesAdministration StopStartSelectClear AllBackspaceDial pauseNavigation arrow buttons