Note: If the tray does not slide out of the drive when you press the Eject/Loadbutton, insert the pointed end of a large paper clip into theemergency-eject hole located on the front of the CD-ROM drive.Using the IBM ScrollPoint II mouseSome models come with an IBM ScrollPoint® II mouse. The ScrollPoint IImouse has the following controls.1 Primary mouse button:Use this button to select or start a program or menu item.2 Quick/Auto scroll button:Use this button to put the mouse into auto-scroll mode. When themouse is in auto-scroll mode, the movement of the mouse controls thescrolling direction and speed. To exit from the auto-scroll mode, clickany of the mouse buttons.3 Context menu button:Use this button to display a menu for the active program, icon, orobject.4 Scroll stick:Use this stick to control the scrolling action of the mouse. This stick ispressure sensitive. The direction in which you apply pressure controlsthe direction of the scrolling action. The amount of pressure youapply controls the scrolling speed.These buttons are controlled by the IBM ScrollPoint II mouse driver. If yourcomputer came with preinstalled software, this device driver was preinstalled.You can obtain an updated ScrollPoint II mouse driver from on the World Wide Web.20 User Guide