– Off: In this mode, the monitor power is turned off. To restore power tothe monitor, you must press the monitor power switch. On somemonitors, you might have to press the power switch twice.If Off is selected, you must specify the Time to Display ’Off.’ You canselect 5 minutes to 1 hour.Note: Time to display off is the amount of time from when thereduced-power state begins until the display turns off.– Disable: In this mode, the monitor is unaffected by the powermanagement settings.v IDE Drives: You can use this selection to specify whether the IDE drives areenabled or disabled when power-management features are activated.To set power management features:1. Start the Configuration/Setup Utility program (see “Starting and using theConfiguration/Setup Utility program” on page 29).2. Select Power Management and press Enter.3. Select APM and press Enter.4. Set APM BIOS Mode to Enabled or Disabled.5. Set Automatic Hardware Power Management to Enabled.6. Select values for power management (time to low power, system power,processor speed, display, and time to display off), as desired.7. Select Low Power Entry Activity Monitor and press Enter.8. Set to Enabled or Disabled devices you want to be monitored for powermanagement.Note: If all devices are set to disabled, you must restart the computer towake the system.9. Press Esc until you return to the Configuration/Setup Utility programmenu; then select Save Settings and press Esc and follow the instructionson the screen to exit from the Configuration/Setup Utility program.Setting automatic power-on features: You can use the automatic power-onfeatures on the power-management menu to enable and disable features thatautomatically turn on your computer. You must also select the startupsequence you want to use for the type of power-on event you select.v Wake on LAN: If you have remote network-management software, you canuse the IBM-developed Wake on LAN feature. When you set Wake on LANto Enabled, your computer will turn on when it receives a specific signalfrom another computer on your local area network (LAN).v Wake on Alarm: With this feature, you can specify a date and time at whichthe computer will be turned on automatically. This can be either a singleevent, a daily event, or a weekly event.Chapter 4. Using the Configuration/Setup Utility program 41