Chapter 4. Appliance Configuration Programs 17• Automatically group discovered appliances into function-specific Families.Appliances are added to a Family based on the appliance type. Appliancesrunning different operating systems, but which perform the same function,appear in the same Family.• Start UM Services web-based systems management console.Launch UM Services on your appliance servers and perform advanced systemsmanagement tasks on a selected appliance server with a single mouse click.The Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility Console is divided into two panes:• The Tree View PaneThe Tree View Pane, located on the left side of the Advanced ApplianceConfiguration Utility Console window, presents a list of all discovered xSeriesappliances and includes any Families you have previously defined. The TreeView Pane also includes groups for appliances that do not fit any of the definedFamilies, that were not configured using the Advanced Appliance ConfigurationUtility, or that have IP addresses that conflict with other devices on yournetwork. When you click on any item in the Tree View information about thatitem (and any items which are nested below that item in the tree view)information about the selected item appears in the Information Pane.• The Information PaneThe Information Pane, located at the right side of the Advanced ApplianceConfiguration Utility Console, displays information about the item that iscurrently selected in the Tree View Pane. The information that appears in theInformation Pane varies depending on the item that is selected. For example, ifyou select the All Appliances item from the Tree View Pane, the InformationPane displays configuration information (IP settings, hostname, serial number,and so forth) about all of the xSeries appliances that have been discovered by theAdvanced Appliance Configuration Utility Console. However, if you select aFamily, the Information Pane displays information about the Family settings forthe selected Family.The Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility Console also features the followingmenus:• FileUse the selections available form the File menu to import or export theAdvanced Appliance Configuration Utility Console configuration data, torescan the network, or to exit the program.• Family Use the selections available from the Family menu to add or deleteFamilies, or to move Families up or down in the tree view.• Appliance Use the selections available form the Appliance menu to remove apreviously discovered appliance from a Family or group, and to add anappliance to the first matching Family in the tree view.• HelpUse the Help menu to display product information.Discovering xSeries AppliancesAny xSeries appliance server that is running and is connected to the same subnet asthe system running the Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility console isautomatically discovered when you start the Advanced Appliance ConfigurationUtility console. Discovered appliances appear in the Advanced ApplianceConfiguration Utility console tree view (found in the left pane of the AdvancedAppliance Configuration Utility console window). Each appliance will appear in twolocations in the tree view: