Chapter 4. Appliance Configuration Programs 19• FamiliesThe Families group in the Tree View Pane shows all Families that have beendefined, with appliance servers that have already been assigned to each Familynested beneath the Family name in the tree view. Families are defined byappliance purpose so all appliances that appear in a given family are of the sametype. If you select a Family from the Tree View Pane a description of the Familyand the rules that are used to define the selected Family are displayed in theInformation Pane. If you select an appliance server from a Family in the TreeView Pane, the selected appliance network settings are displayed in theInformation Pane.If you are not using DHCP, the Advanced Appliance Configuration Utilityautomatically assigns one IP address per appliance server, using availableaddresses within the range defined in the Family rules. When a Family’s IPaddress range has been exhausted, the Advanced Appliance ConfigurationUtility automatically searches for other Families that have rules matching theappliance server being configured. If a matching Family with an availableaddress is found, the server will automatically be assigned to the Family that hasavailable IP addresses. This enables you to define multiple Families, each ofwhich uses a range of non-contiguous IP address ranges.When an appliance is discovered on the network, the Advanced ApplianceConfiguration Utility automatically searches all previously defined Families,starting with the first Family listed in the Families tree view and movingdownward. Appliances are automatically added to the first defined Family thatmatches the appliance purpose. Therefore, the order in which Families appear isimportant. To adjust this search order, right click on a Family and then selectMove Up or Move Down to adjust its position within the Families list.• Orphaned AppliancesAny discovered appliance servers that have been configured using theAdvanced Appliance Configuration Utility but that do not meet the rules forany existing Family are automatically added to the Orphaned Appliances group.• Orphaned Externally Configured AppliancesAny discovered appliance server that has been configured without using theAdvanced Appliance Configuration Utility tool and that does not meet the rulesfor any existing Family is automatically added to the Orphaned ExternallyConfigured Appliances group. Appliance servers configured without theAdvanced Appliance Configuration Utility that meet the rules for any existingFamily are automatically added to the matching Family. To add an OrphanedExternally configured Appliance to an appropriate Family that was created afterthe orphaned appliance was discovered, right-click on the orphaned applianceand select Adopt by First Matching Family. For more information, see “Usingthe Adopt by First Matching Family Function” on page 21.Note: The Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility will not changemanually configured network settings of discovered appliance servers.If the manually configured IP and Subnet addresses fit an existingFamily, the Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility will place thatappliance server into that Family, but will not change any other settings(such as Host Name or DNS or Gateway addresses).• Conflicting Network AddressesAny discovered appliance server that has the same IP address as a previouslydiscovered appliance server will be listed in the Conflicting Network Addressesgroup.Creating a Family: To create a Family:1. Select Create Family from the Family menu.