Chapter 6. Solving problems 33Power problems Suggested actionThe server does not power on. Verify that:1. The power cables are properly connected to the server.2. The electrical outlet functions properly.3. The type of memory that is installed is correct.4. If you just installed an option, remove it, and restart the server. If the servernow powers on, you might have installed more options than the power supplysupports.5. The LEDs on the power supply are on.If the problem remains, call for service.Microprocessor problems Suggested actionThe server emits a continuoustone during POST.The startup (boot) microprocessor is not working properly.Verify that the startup microprocessor is seated properly. If it is, replace the startupmicroprocessor.If the problem remains, call for service.Memory problems Suggested actionThe amount of memorydisplayed is less than theamount of memory installed.Verify that:1. The memory modules are seated properly.2. You have installed the correct type of memory.3. If you changed the memory, you updated the memory configuration with theConfiguration/Setup Utility program.4. All banks of memory on the DIMMs are enabled. The server might haveautomatically disabled a DIMM bank when it detected a problem or a DIMMbank could have been manually disabled.If the above items are correct, run the memory diagnostic program. The systemmight have detected a bad memory module and automatically reallocated memoryto enable you to continue to operate. If the memory tests fail, call for service orreplace the failing DIMM.Option problems Suggested actionAn IBM option that was justinstalled does not work.Verify that:1. The option is designed for the server. Refer to the "Support for NetfinityServers" flowchart for information about obtaining ServerProven™compatibility information from the World Wide Web.2. You followed the installation instructions that came with the option.3. The option is installed correctly.4. You have not loosened any other installed options or cables.5. You updated the configuration information in the Configuration/Setup Utilityprogram. Whenever memory or an option is changed, you must update theconfiguration.If the problem remains, call for service.