FLEX-BX100-ULT5Page 60 Restore AC Power Loss [Last State]Use the Restore AC Power BIOS option to specify what state the system returns to ifthere is a sudden loss of power to the system. Power Off The system remains turned off Power On The system turns on Last State D EFAULT The system returns to its previous state. If it was on, itturns itself on. If it was off, it remains off. Power Saving Function(ERP) [Disabled]Use the Power Saving Function(ERP) BIOS option to enable or disable the powersaving function. Disabled D EFAULT Power saving function is disabled. Enabled Power saving function is enabled. It will reduce powerconsumption when the system is off. HD Audio [Enabled]Use the HD Audio BIOS option to enable or disable the High Definition Audio controller. Disabled The High Definition Audio controller is disabled. Enabled D EFAULT The High Definition Audio controller is enabled. USB Power SW [+5V DUAL]Use the USB Power SW BIOS option to configure whether to provide power to theexternal USB connectors when the system is in S3/S4 sleep state. This option is valid onlywhen the above Power Saving Function (ERP) BIOS option is disabled. +5VDUALD EFAULT Power is provided to the USB connectors when thesystem is in S3/S4 sleep state +5V Power is not provided to the USB connectors when thesystem is in S3/S4 sleep state