FLEX-BX100-ULT5Page 674.7 Save & ExitUse the Save & Exit menu (BIOS Menu 28) to load default BIOS values, optimal failsafevalues and to save configuration changes.Aptio Setup Utility – Copyright (C) 2020 American Megatrends, Inc.Main Advanced Chipset Security Boot Save & ExitSave Changes and ResetDiscard Changes and ResetRestore DefaultsSave as User DefaultsRestore User DefaultsReset the system aftersaving the changes.---------------------: Select Screen↑ ↓: Select ItemEnter SelectF1 General HelpF2 Previous ValuesF3 OptimizedDefaultsF4 SaveESC ExitVersion 2.20.1271. Copyright (C) 2020 American Megatrends, Inc.BIOS Menu 28: Save & Exit Save Changes and ResetUse the Save Changes and Reset option to save the changes made to the BIOS optionsand to exit the BIOS configuration setup program. Discard Changes and ResetUse the Discard Changes and Reset option to exit the system without saving thechanges made to the BIOS configuration setup program. Restore DefaultsUse the Restore Defaults option to load the optimal default values for each of theparameters on the Setup menus. F3 key can be used for this operation. Save as User DefaultsUse the Save as User Defaults option to save the changes done so far as user defaults. Restore User DefaultsUse the Restore User Defaults option to restore the user defaults to all the setup options.