419SELCALL/ALE OPERATION■ Selcall or ALESelcall uses a 4 or 6-digit ID address and allows you tomake an individual or group call. The ALE (automaticlink establishment) is a system which automatically se-lects an available frequency and establishes a commu-nication link. The IC-F8100 ALE system compiles withbasic requirements of FED-STD-1045A.The Selcall or ALE features are not available, de-pending on the preprogramming. Check the Selcallor ALE capabilities in the Admin Menu, and then setthe settings to the “RX&TX” option.ï Available calls• Selective callSelective call allows you to make an individual or groupcall using an individual ID (identification) assigned foreach transceiver.• Phone callAllows you to make a Phone call through a telephoneinterconnect service provider.• Message callAllows you to exchange text messages of up to 64characters* with the intended ID station.* 64 character for ICOM Selcall system; 32 characterfor Open Selcall system.• Send Position callAllows you to send your own position information tothe intended ID station.• Get Position callThe Get Position call allows you to request the in-tended ID station to send its position information.• Get Status callRequests to send radio status information includingpower supply voltage, signal strength, output power,VSWR, and so on.• RFDS emergency callThe RFDS (Royal Flying Doctor Service) emergencycall uses a 2-Tone signal for an emergency call.• Emergency callAllows you to broadcast an emergency signal with ownposition information.• The Phone call, Message call, Send Position call,Get Position call, Get Status call and Emergencycall use Icom original commands. These calls maynot be compatible with other brands. (Icom Selcallsystem)• Depending on the preprogramming, you can selectthe Open Selcall system* for these call except theGet Status call.* Open Selcall system is compatible with otherbrands. Ask your dealer for details.• Channel Test callThe Channel Test call allows the user to determine thesignal quality between your transceiver and specifictransceiver before an individual or group call.• ALE individual or net callAutomatically establish a communication link by usingthe ALE table.• ALE soundingAutomatically sends a sounding signal at a certaininterval (0.5–16 hours) to check the propagation andstores the data in a table. Manual sounding can alsobe sent.• ALE AMD (Automatic Message Display)Automatically sends and receives text messages of upto a 90 characters.