556 CONNECTION AND INSTALLATIONThe HM-192 allows you to remotely control the trans-ceiver by using the microphone. Use either the optionalOPC-607, OPC-608, OPC-609 or OPC-726 separa -tion cable.The HM-192 is same as the one supplied in the Re-mote control microphone type.D MountingThe optional OPC-607 (3 m), OPC-608 (8 m), OPC-609 (1.9 m) or OPC-726 (5 m) separation cable isrequired to install the transceiver’s Main unit and Re-mote control microphone.q Unscrew the 4 rear plate screws, then remove theRear plates from both the Extension MIC connectorand Main unit attachment.Rear plate *This illustrationshows the descrip-tion for the Mainunit attachment.Main unit attachmentw Connect either the OPC-607, OPC-608, OPC-609or OPC-726 separation cable to the Main unit at-tachment, as shown below.After the connecting the cable, replace the rearplate and the 4 screws.• The separation cable can be inserted into either the left orright grooves on the back of the attachment.Rear plateMain unit attachmentCable grooveSeparation cableUse the suppliedM3 × 8 screw.e Connect the other side of the Separation cable to theExtension MIC connector, as described in step w.After the cable is connected, replace the removedrear plate and the 4 screws.r Attach the Extension MIC connector to the desiredplace, then tighten the 2 supplied screws (M4 ×20).t Attach the holder base to the desired place near theExtension MIC connector, then tighten the 2 sup-plied screws (M4 × 20).y Adjust the MIC holder angle, then tighten the onesupplied M4 × 14 screw.u Connect the HM-192 to the Extension MIC connec-tor.■ HM-192 (Optional Remote control microphone)