@ Function display9a solnode)= DUP T SQL (()) PRIO SKIPaE. | oreeT Ow Obvou, Low eossscsssO8essoe |@ FUNCTION INDICATORShows that the secondary functions of switches can be ac-cessed.@ MESSAGE INDICATOR (p. 29)Appears when the message function is activated.© DUPLEX INDICATOR (p. 15)Appears during semi-duplex operation.@ TONE INDICATOR‘ “T” appears when the subaudible tone encoder is in use.Additionally, “T SQL” and “T SQL ((+))”" appear in se-quence when the optional* UT-94 TONE SQUELCH UNIT isactivated. (pgs. 30, 31)© PRIORITY INDICATOR (p. 24)Appears when the priority watch is activated.PANEL DESCRIPTION 1@ SKIP INDICATOR (pgs. 22, 26)Appears when a selected memory channel is set as a skipchannel or when a code channel is set for “receive inhibit”during pager or code squelch operation.@ MEMORY MODE INDICATORAppears while in memory mode.@ MEMORY CHANNEL INDICATORIndicates the selected memory channel and other itemssuch as the key lock indicator, etc.@ VOLUME LEVEL AND S/RF INDICATORS‘» Show the volume level while setting volume (p. 14).‘» Show the relative signal strength while receiving.and the output power selection while transmitting.(p. 14)@ LOW POWER INDICATORAppears when low output power is selected (p. 14).@ VOLUME INDICATORAppears while adjusting the volume (p. 14).@ ALPHANUMERIC READOUTSShow the selected frequency, set mode contents, etc. Also,memory names can be indicated instead of the frequency.>