© Setting an offset frequency uswo SETMODEWhen communicating through a repeater, the transmit fre-quency is shifted from the receive frequency by an amountdetermined by the offset frequency.@ Push [VFO] to select VFO mode.@ Push [FUNC] + [®SET] to enter setmode.@ Push [A] or [V] until “OW” ap-pears.@ Rotate [DIAL] to select the offsetfrequency.* [FUNC] + [DIAL] allows 100 kHz se-lection.® Push [(vFo)CLR] to set the condi-tion and to exit set mode.© Auto repeater function(U.S.A. only)The U.S.A. version automatically activates the repeater set-tings (duplex ON/OFF, duplex direction, tone encoder ON/OFF)when the operating frequency falls within or outside of the gen-eral repeater output frequency range, respectively. The offsetfrequency and subaudible tone frequency are not changed bythe auto repeater function, reset these, if necessary.vswa SET MODEBASIC OPERATION 3@ Push [VFO] to select VFO mode.@ Push [FUNC] + [@SET] to enter setmode.® Push [A] or [V] until “Ar’ appears.@ Rotate [DIAL] to select the desiredauto repeater condition as at right.© Push [(vFo)CLR] to set the condi-tion and to exit set mode.Activates for duplexonly.Activates for duplexand tone.