378 SCAN OPERATION■ Skip channelsIn order to speed up the scan rate, you can select memorychannels you don’t wish to scan as skip channels.q Push [MR] to select memory mode, if necessary.• “X” appears.w Select a memory channel to set as a skip channel.ePush [FUNC] and [ SKIP ](6) to toggle the skip setting ONand OFF.• “SKIP” appears when the channel is set as a skip channel.■ Scan resume conditionWhen a signal is received during scanning, the scan resumecondition determines what action the transceiver takes. Thetransceiver has 2 scan resume conditions available asillustrated below. Use SET MODE to select the one which bestsuits your needs.q Push [FUNC], then push [SET](8) to enter SET MODE.wPush [YY] or [ZZ] several times until “SCP” or “SCt” ap-pears.e Rotate [VOL] to select the desired scan resume condition.• Pause scan:When receiving a signal, scan pauseson the signal until it disappears. Re-sumes 2 sec. after the signal disap-pears.• Timer scan:When receiving a signal, scan pauseson the signal for 5 sec., 10 sec. or 15sec., then resumes.r Push [✱ ENT] (or [CLR]) to set andexit SET MODE.Timer scanPause scanUSING SET MODEPushSKIPFUNCA6“SKIP” appears