11A7 MIG Welder©Kemppi Oy 2017 1735OPERATING MANUAL3.5 MIG GunsA7 MIG Gun 500-g54123Figure 3.10 A7 MIG Gun 500-g1. Torch neck2. Connection module3. Hose assembly4. Welding gun connector5. Robot mountThe A7 MIG Gun 500-g is used in gas welding using inertgases (MIG) or active gases (MAG). This model is gas-cooled and can be used in all welding positions.A7 MIG Welding Gun 500-w3124Figure 3.11 A7 MIG Gun 500-w1. Torch neck2. Hose assembly3. Robot mount4. FastenerThe A7 MIG Gun 500-w is used in gas welding using inertgases (MIG) or active gases (MAG). This model is water-cooled and can be used in all welding positions.Robot mountsThe A7 MIG Gun 500-w and 500-g are mounted to thewelding robot using special robot mounts. There are threetypes of robot mounts available: robot mount Type 1, Type2 and Type 3.Figure 3.12 Robot mount T1The robot mount Type 1 serves for accommodating awelding gun in exact position. The mount is fastened tothe robot with a cylinder head screws and a robot flange.Figure 3.13 Robot mount T2The robot mount Type 2 is used for connecting the robotand the welding gun. The device acts three-dimensionallyand is adaptable to all types of robots and for handlingmachines via a robot flange.