26A7 MIG Welder©Kemppi Oy 2017 1735OPERATING MANUAL4.2.7 Robot settingsRobot menu (Menu 8/8)Menu item Value range Factory setting Description1/12 Interface mode * 1 - 99 15 Select the robot I/O table for the fieldbus communication.2/12 Voltage scaling * 0 - 9999 0 (no scaling) Select the maximum value for welding voltage / fine tuning in scaled mode (1-9999), or switch scaledmode off (0).3/12 WFS scaling * 0 - 9999 0 (no scaling) Select the maximum value for wire feed speed in scaled mode (1-9999), or switch scaled mode off (0).4/12 Current scaling * 0 - 9999 0 (no scaling) Select the maximum value for welding current in scaled mode (1-9999), or switch scaled mode off (0).5/12 Simulation ON, OFF, USER OFF Select welding simulation on and off, or let the user of the robot to manage the simulation (USER).6/12Emergency stopmenu *Configure emergency stop functionality. The emergency stop circuitry is connected to the robotinterface unit of the A7 MIG Welder.Selection ON, OFF OFF Set the emergency stop input on and off.Line level 0 V, 24 V 0 V Select the voltage level of the input line.Switch type Opening, Closing Opening Select the type of the electrical switch used in the signal line. The opening type switch opens theelectrical circuit of the signal line and the closing type switch closes the circuit.7/12Door switch menu * Configure gate door functionality. The gate door circuitry is connected to the robot interface unit of theA7 MIG Welder.Selection ON, OFF OFF Set the gate door input on and off.Line level 0 V, 24 V 0 V Select the voltage level of the input line.Switch type Opening, Closing Opening Select the type of the electrical switch used in the signal line. The opening type switch opens theelectrical circuit of the signal line and the closing type switch closes the circuit.8/12Touch sensor menu * Configure touch sensor.Voltage 50 V, 80 V, 110 V, 160 V,170 V, 180 V, 200 V50 V Select the output voltage level for the touch sensor.Tool USER, Welding wire, GasnozzleUSER Select the tool used for touch sensing (welding wire or gas nozzle), or let the user of the robot tomanage the tool selection (USER).FastOutput Low-act, High-act Low-act Select the signal polarity of the fast hardware output. The low-active signal pulls the output to 0 V onlogical ’1’ state and the high-active signal releases the output on logical ’1’. The signal is pulled up to 24 Vby a resistor when released.