23A7 MIG Welder©Kemppi Oy 2017 1735OPERATING MANUAL7/20 License menuLicense code Enter a license codemanually:• Up and down arrows areused to select the codenumber index.• Control knob is used toselect the code number(0-255).• ENTER soft button is usedto activate the license codeafter all numbers havebeen entered.License timers Check the remaining licensetime of the time-based Wisefeatures.8/20 Weld data delay 1 - 60 s 20 s Specify how long the WeldData is displayed afterwelding stops. Weld Datadisplay can be closed byturning the control knob orpressing any button.9/20 Display delay 1 - 20 10 Specify how long anytextual information (like”Settings saved”) is displayedon the screen. This is anapproximate time value andthe actual delay may varydepending on the systemload.10/20 Pre gas time 0.0 - 9.9 s,CURVECURVE Override the pre gas time ofthe welding curve, or let thesystem use the curve value.11/20 Post gas time 0.0 - 9.9 s,CURVECURVE Override the post gas time ofthe welding curve, or let thesystem use the curve value.12/20 Control * USER, PANEL,REMOTE, GUNUSER Select which remote controlis used, or let the user choosethe remote control freely.13/20 RemoteAutoRecog * ON, OFF ON Set the automaticrecognition of the remotecontrol unit on and off.14/20 MIG CurrentDisp ON, OFF OFF Set the MIG current displayon and off. When the MIGcurrent display is off, thewire feed speed is displayedinstead.15/20 WFMotorWarnLev 1.5 - 5.0 A 3.5 A Set the warning level ofthe wire feeding motorcurrent. The setting affectshow sensitively the systemdetects issues in the wirefeeding system.16/20 WF end step ON, OFF OFF Set the wire feeding endstep on and off. When thesetting is on, the filler wiresteps forward at the end ofthe welding cycle. Otherwisethe filler wire remains in theposition where it was drivenduring the welding cycle.17/20 AutoWireInch * ON, OFF ON Set the automaticSuperSnake wire inchfeature on and off. When thesetting is on, the filler wire isdriven automatically to theSuperSnake by pressing thewire inch button.