20A7 MIG Welder©Kemppi Oy 2017 1735OPERATING MANUALWelding parameters for WiseRoot+ process (Edit channel 2/6)Menu item Value range Default value Description1/6 WFSpeed WFS min -WFS maxFrom curve Set the wire feed speed in0.05 m/min steps from 0.5to 5.0 m/min and in 0.1 m/min steps above 5.0 m/min.2/6 WFS max 1.2 - 11.0 m/min * From curve Set the upper limit for theWFSpeed value.3/6 WFS min 1.2 - 11.0 m/min * From curve Set the lower limit for theWFSpeed value.4/6 FineTuning FineTuningMin -FineTuningMax0 Adjust the base current (archeat) of the curve up anddown (0 = no adjustment).5/6 FineTuningMax -9.0 … +9.0 +9.0 Set the upper limit for theFineTuning value.6/6 FineTuningMin -9.0 … +9.0 -9.0 Set the lower limit for theFineTuning value.* These are system limits. Actual limits come from the selected welding curve.Welding parameters for WiseThin+ process (Edit channel 2/6)Menu item Value range Default value Description1/7 WFSpeed WFS min -WFS maxFrom curve Set the wire feed speedin 0.05 m/min steps from0.5 to 5.0 m/min and in0.1 m/min steps above 5.0m/min.2/7 WFS max 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the upper limit for theWFSpeed value.3/7 WFS min 0.7 - 25.0 m/min * From curve Set the lower limit for theWFSpeed value.4/7 FineTuning FineTuningMin -FineTuningMax0 Adjust the base current(arc heat) of the curveup and down (0 = noadjustment).5/7 FineTuningMax -9.0 … +9.0 +9.0 Set the upper limit for theFineTuning value.6/7 FineTuningMin -9.0 … +9.0 -9.0 Set the lower limit for theFineTuning value.7/7 Dynamics -9 … +9 0 Control the arc behavior inshort circuit. A lower valueresults in a softer arc anda higher value results in arougher arc.* These are system limits. Actual limits come from the selected welding curve.