37A7 MIG Welder©Kemppi Oy 2017 1735OPERATING MANUAL4.4 User identification4.4.1 OverviewThe user identification system enables access control ofindividual users. The feature is optional and can be turnedon when needed. Initially, the user identification system isturned off. The welding system is in the initial state whenit is taken into use for the first time or after a factory reset.System configuration, control and monitoring functionsare divided into three access levels. The lowest level (level0) covers the smallest subset of functions. The middlelevel (level 1) covers a larger subset and the highest level(level 2) covers all the available functions. The access levelis associated with a user account by specifying a role forthe user. See Table 4.18 "User roles in the A7 MIG Weldersystem" for descriptions of different user roles and theassociated access levels.User accounts are protected from unauthorized use by aPIN code. The PIN code is a 4-digit numeric code that canhave any value between 0000 and 9999. Each user canchange their PIN code. Administrator level users can resetthe PIN codes of other users. The user identification systemrequires at least one existing administrator level useraccount in order to work correctly. The system preventsdeleting or changing an administrator user account whenno other administrator account exists.In the initial state, there is only one user account called“Admin” in the system. The PIN code of the Admin user is‘0000’ (four zeroes) by default.Table 4.18 User roles in the A7 MIG Welder systemRole Access level DescriptionWelder Level 0 A welder works on a robot cell changing workpieces and welding. The welder canadjust welding values within the limits set by the supervisor.The welder cannot change system settings or memory channels.Supervisor Level 1 A supervisor teaches the robot new works and prepares the system for welding. Thesupervisor specifies welding value limits to be used by welders. The supervisor createsmemory channels and deletes and modifies them.The supervisor cannot change the system settings related to the cell configuration.Administrator Level 2 An administrator builds and maintains the robot cell. The administrator specifies allsystem settings related to the fixed environment, for example, emergency stop orwelding cable length. The administrator can create, modify and delete other users andset user identification system off if needed.