44A7 MIG Welder©Kemppi Oy 2017 1735OPERATING MANUAL4.5.2 Touch toolTwo alternative touch tools can be used for touch sensing(see Figure 4.21, “Welding wire used as touch tool” andFigure 4.22, “Gas nozzle used as touch tool”). The regulartool is the welding wire (welding plus). Sometimes thewelding wire is not accurate enough. The tip of the weldingwire can bend resulting in incorrect position information.In that case the gas nozzle can be used instead. Using thegas nozzle requires extra wiring from wire feeder’s 10-poleperipheral connector (pin F) to the gas nozzle.The touch tool can be forced by the configuration in boththe web user interface and the setup panel, or the selectioncan be allowed to be managed by the robot controller byusing the digital robot interface. See Subsection 4.5.6,“Configuring touch tool” for more information on thesealternatives.Figure 4.21 Welding wire used as touching toolFigure 4.22 Gas nozzle used as touching tool4.5.3 Fast status outputThe fast status output is a direct hardware output forsystems where the latency between the sensing and thedetection status reception is an issue. The normal latencyis around 10 milliseconds through the fieldbus. Theresponse time of the fast output is about 1.5 milliseconds.See the A7 Welder Integration guide for connecting andconfiguring the fast output.4.5.4 Selecting output voltageThe output voltage of the touch sensor power source canbe selected by using either the web user interface or thesetup panel. Setting the voltage requires administratorprivileges.Setup panelGo to the Main menu > Robot menu > Touch sensormenu and specify the desired output voltage value to theVoltage parameter by turning the control knob. Press theSave button to save the settings.Web user interfaceGo to the Welding settings > System settings > Touchsensor settings and select the desired output voltagefrom the Output voltage drop-down list. A pop-up barwith Save and Reset changes buttons will appear at thebottom. Press the Save button in the dialog to save thesettings.