lOuo: VOLTS/DlV Contro)For setting the vertical axis sensitivity with the CHI vertical axis attenua-tor. It can be set in steps of 1,2 and 5. Setting the VARIABLEcontroI allthe way to the right at CALenables calibrated vertical sensitivity. DuringX- Y operation, it becomes the attenuator control for the Y-axis.(11) VARIABLEControlFor fine adjustment of CHI vertical axis sensitivity. Allows continuousvariable adjustment within the VOLTS/DIVrange. When set to the rightat CAL, the attenuator can be calibrated. During X- Y operation, itbecomes the fineadjustment control for the Yaxis.(12) AC-GND-DC SwìtehFor selecting the CHI vertical axis input signal coupling mode.A C The input signal will be capacitively coupled, and all DC compo-nents will be eliminated. The low range -3dB attenuationpoint will be lO Hz or less when using either a 1:1 probe or acoaxial cable, and 1Hz or less when using a corrected 10:1probe.G N D . Vertical amplifier input is grounded, and the ground potentialcan be checked. At an input resistance of 1Mn relative to theground, the input signal is not grounded. In this mode, theanti-trace line jump circuit prevents the trace position fromchanging suddenly when switching from GNDto AC.D C Provides direct coupling of the input sìgnal, and measurementcan be carri ed out wìth the direct current component intact.(13) INPUT JackThe CHI vertical axis input jack.During X- Y operation, it becomes the Y-axis input jack.In such a case, carry out adjustment again.(7) TRACE ROTA ControlFor adjusting the slope of the horizontal trace linee The slope of the line willchange due to such influences as the earth's magnetic force. Use a screw-driver to keep the trace line parallel with the horizontal axìs graticule.(8) GNDTerminaiThis is the ground terminal to be used when setting up a common groundwith other equipment.(9) ~ POSITIONControlFor adjusting the vertical position of the CHI waveform displayed on theCRT screen. During X- Y operation it ìs used to adjust the position of Y-axis.