24Figure 12. Measuring Signals with High Frequency ComponentsGround patternPoint of measurementMeasurìng Sìgnals wìth High Frequency ComponentsAlways use a probe ( X lO position) when measuring pulses or signals of a fewhundred kHz or above. This is because distortion will occur in the waveform'shigh frequency component due to the use of long leads. This makes it difficult toconduct accurate waveforms.This is also true for probes with long ground leads, so keep them as short as possi-ble. In addition, make sure to connect the ground lead clip to the ground potentiallying closest to the signal to be measured.Measuring Sìgnals wìth Low Frequency ComponentsWhen the oscilloscope's AC-GND-DC controI is set at AC, there is a chance thaterrors may occur in the voltage measurement. This inaccuracy is caused by lowrange cut -off frequencies. At AC, the most accurate frequency measurements arerealized above the 40 to 50Hz range. Therefore, when measuring frequenciesbelow this range switch the AC-GND- DC control to the DC setting.If, however, you are using a probe, accurate measurements of frequencies as lowas 4 to 5Hz can be realized at AC.