21Figure 9. Measuring the Voltage Between Two PointsLme up on a horizontal gradationusing • POSITION controiVoltage between 2 points = Vertical distance (div) x VOLTS/DIV setting x Probe attenuation rateTwo points to be measured;fr.i\T\ --- --- --- 7.f\- -\- --- --- r7'\l I \ \ I\ \ \ I\ I /\ / \ i IJ'[0--- --- fV-- V-- --- --- -~ -y --- ---/LLine up on the center verticalscale using ~ ~ POSITIONcontrolBecause both the verticai and horizontal axis of the oscilloscope are calibrated,the oscilloscope is capabie of not only displaying waveforms but can also quantìta-tively measuring voltage or tìme. When performing these latter measurements,rotate the three VARIABLEcontrols CCHI[Y-axisJ, CH2 [X-axisJ and horizon-tal) all the way in the clockwise direction to the CAL setting. AlI the oscillo-scope's VARIABLEcontrols will click when rotated into their CALsettings.In addition, the oscilloscope comes with probes. These probes should all bepiugged into their proper jacks in order to assure a minimum of interference tothe signals you want to measure.Measuring Voltage Between Two Poìnts OD a WaveformUse the following procedures for measuring voltage, etc. between two points orfrom peak to peak on a waveform.1. Apply a signa! to the INPUT terminal and adjust the VOLTS/DIVandSWEEP TlME/DIV controls. Also reset the trigger point if necessary. Setthe AC-GND- DC controi at AC.2. Work the ~ POSITION control so that one of the points CA)to bemeasured falls on one of the horizontal graduation lines, while the otherpoints CB)can still be observed on the CRT screen.3. Work the ........ POSITIONcontrol so that point B falls on the vertical scaleat the center of the CRT screen.4. Measure the vertical distance between the two points and multiply thatvalue by the VOLTS/DIVsetting. When using a probe, also multiply thevalue by the probe's attenuation rate.APPLICATIONS