22Note:Elimination capabilities vary with the size of the unnecessary component. Inorder to attain the best results, display the CH2 signal with a slightly higherVOLTS/DIV setting. After pressing the CH2 INV switch, and activating theADDfunction, adjust the VARIABLEcontrol of CH2to get a good waveform.Also, after pressing the CH2 INV control and switching to the ADD setting, thedisplayed waveform may move up or down. Move it back to the display positionusing the *POSITIONcontrai far CH2.Figure lO. Common-Mode Rejectionf--+--'I'+--,A---t--"\f------/t-----i---\j------,I'!----i ~CH2 : signal of un -necessarycomponent~ADD : signal after eliminatedun -necessary component~CHI : signa! containing uri-neccessarycomponentEXAMPLEIn Figure 9, the vertical distance between the two points is 4.4 div. If the VOLTS/DIV control is set at 0.2V/div and a PC-41 probe ( X lO setting) is used, the volt-age is calculated as follows:Voltage between 2 points = 4.4(div) X 0.2(V/div) X lO = 8.8VCommon-Mode RejedionBy using the ".$41@.'1 MODE control's ADD setting, unnecessary signalcomponents can be eliminated allowing only desired components to be displayed.1. Apply the whole signa! (including its unnecessary components) to the CHIINPUT terminal. Now apply the component you want eliminated to the CH2INPUT terminaI.2. Set thel',*Ji@.,IMODE control to ALT or CHOP. Set the SOURCE controlat CH2. Set the trigger point at the CH2 signai, and verify that CH2 containsthe unnecessary component of CHl.3. Press the CH2 INV switch, and verify that the CH2 signal represents the un-necessary component in reverse polarity. When the 'tJi'Jiji@,1 MODEcontrol is set at ADD under these conditions, only the necessary signalcomponents will be displayed on the CRT screen.