20x-v OPERATIONThe oscilloscope not only has all the functions of a conventional oscilloscope, butmay also be operated as an X- Y oscilloscope. With X- Y operation, signalsapplied to the CHI INPUT terminal are defected on the Y-axis, signals applied tothe CHZ INPUT terminaI are deflected on the X-axis, and Lissajous patternsmakes it possibie to find out phase differences between the two signais and findout their relative frequency proportion.When carrying out measurement by magnifying a portion of the displayed wave-form in terms of time, increasing sweep speed may cause the waveform portionto be measured to disappear from the screen. When this happens, waveformmeasurement can still be done by magnifying the sweep.Work the ~ .. POSITIONcontrol to move the waveform portion to be magnifiedto the middle of the CRT display screen. Then press the X 10MAGcontroi tomagnify the waveform lO times in the horizontal direction.SWEEP MAGNIFICATION OPERATIONLine TriggerWhen the CHI or CHZ signal is synchronized with a commerciaI-use powersource frequency, setting the SOURCEcontrol at UNE will stabilize the trigger.Figure 8. EXT.TRIG--1\f\rv'-- CHI Signal-{\f\fV\r- CHZ SignalTrigger Point ~EXT.Trig SignalExternal TriggerSet the Source control at EXT and apply a signal to the EXT.TRIG terminal. It isnecessary that this signa! have a fixed timing relationship to either CfU or CHZ.Also, in order to simplify the trigger point setting process, you should use assimple an external signal as possible.