18When inputting low frequency signals or slow occurrence rate signals, switch theITRIGGERINGIMODE control to the NORMsetting. Even though the waveformdisplay may disappear from the CRT screen when signal amplitudes are relative-1y small or the trigger point setting is inappropriate. The NORM setting willallow more stable triggering than can be attained in the AUTOsetting.Figure 6. Relationships LEVELand SLOPETRIGGER LEVELSLOPE Il _" RANGE + Direction(Rotate Right)- Direction ,(Rotate Left)SLOPE Il + Il TRIGGER POINTSLOPE - TRIGGER POINTSINGLE TRACE OPERATIONAlternatìng Current DisplayWith the oscilloscopein the initial setting condition (refer to Section 5 of CHECK-ING AND ADJUSTMENT PRIOR TO MEASUREMENT), display on the CRTscreen the signal applied to the CH1 INPUT terminal. Adjust the signal ampli-tude to an easy to measure size by changing the VOLTS/DIVcontrol setting. TheCHI VARIABLE controi may be rotated to change the amplitude in continuousfashion. However, if this is not necessary leave the setting at CAL.Next, adjust the horizontal SWEEP TIME/DIV controi to attain an easy tomeasure display. Make sure to leave the VARIABLEcontroi setting at CAL.Whenever the waveform begins to destabilize, it is necessary to use the triggeringoperation. Rotating the trigger LEVELcontrolleft or right will stabilize the wave-formoDepending on the type of signa1, switching the SLOPE controi will also give youc1earer displays. These kinds of operations using the trigger LEVEL and SLOPEcontrol are referred to as Setting the Trigger Point. The oscilloscopebegins sweep-ing from pre-set trigger points.OPERATING PROCEDURES