162. After preheating, adjust the INTENSITYcontroi so that the trace line is easyto see, and adjust the FOCUS controi to attain the c1earest display imagepossible. Then use the TRACE ROTAcontrol to bring the trace line parallelwith the horizontal graduation lines.Next, after checking the power source voltage ratings, switch the POWERcontrol onoThe pilot lamp willlight up, and a trace line will appear in lO to 15seconds. Check to see that rotating the INTENSITY control to the rightincreases trace brightness, and rotating it to the left decreases brightness.Then rotate the INTENSITY control all way to left and extinguish the traceline to being preheating. For the most accurate measurement results, it isnecessary to preheat the oscilloscopefor about 30 minutes. However, if youintend only to display waveforms, preheating is not necessary.12 O'CLOCKCAL0.2ms/DIVOFF120'CLOCKCAL5V/DIVGNDSLOPELEVELCHI (Y); CH2 (X)~ POSITIONVARIABLEVOLTS/DIVAC-GND-DCHORIZONTAL........POSITIONVARIABLESWEEP TIME/DIVX 10MAGAUTOVERTMODECHI (INV:OFF)+12 O'CLOCKMODESOURCE1. Adjust the controI panel to the followingsettings.In order to operate the oscilloscope at its optimum performance level, carry outthe following checks and adjustment before doing your measurements. Theinstructions which followconcerning basic operation techniques and applicationsassume that the checks and adjustment described here have been completed.CHECKING AND ADJUSTMENT PRIOR TO MEASUREMENT