20SelcAll (SelecTive cAlling)A Selcall is a voice call to a particular station or to a group of stations.■ Transmitting1 Select your desired zone and channel.2 Press the key programmed as Selcall or Selcall + Status to enter Selcallmode.3 Press the GRP and keys or rotate the CH control to select the ID ofthe station you want to call.• Alternatively, you can enter a station ID using a DTMF keypad.4 Press the microphone PTT switch and begin your conversation.• Alternatively, you can press the PF 4 key to page the selected station, ratherthan making a voice call.■ ReceivingAn alert tone will sound, the transceiver will automatically enter Selcall mode,and the calling station’s ID will appear when a Selcall is received.To respond to the call, press the microphone PTT switch and speak into themicrophone.■ Identification CodesAn ID code is a combination of a 3-digit Fleet number and a 4-digit ID number.Each transceiver must have its own Fleet and ID number.• Enter a Fleet number (00 ~ 349) to make a group call.• Enter an ID number (000 ~ 4999) to make an individual call in your fleet.• Enter a Fleet number make a call to all units in the selected fleet (Fleet call).• Enter an ID number to make a call to the selected ID in all fleets (Supervisor call).• Select “ALL” Fleet and “ALL” ID to make a call to all units (Broadcast call).Note: The ID range may be limited by programming.STATuS MeSSAgeYou can send and receive 2-digit Status messages which may be decided in yourtalk group. Messages can contain up to 6 alphanumeric characters. Statusmessages range from 0 to 99 (80 ~ 99 are reserved for special messages).A maximum of 5 received messages can be stored in the Stack memory of yourtransceiver. These saved messages can be reviewed after reception. Dependingon your dealer settings, when the Stack memory is full, either the oldest messagewill be erased when a new message is received or the new message will not bestored in the Stack memory.• The (KCH-4) or (KCH-5) icon appears when a message isstored in the Stack memory.