Thank YouWe are grateful you have chosen KENWOOD for your personal mobleapplcatons. We beleve ths easy-to-use transcever wll provde dependablecommuncatons to keep personnel operatng at peak effcency.KENWOOD transcevers ncorporate the latest n advanced technology. As aresult, we feel strongly that you wll be pleased wth the qualty and features of thsproduct.Models Covered bY This ManualThe models lsted below are covered by ths manual:• TK-5710 series: VHF P25 Transcever• TK-5810 series: UHF P25 TranscevernoTiCes To The user◆ Government law prohbts the operaton of unlcensed transmtters wthn the terrtores undergovernment control.◆ Illegal operaton s punshable by fne and/or mprsonment.◆ Refer servce to qualfed techncans only.SAFETY: It s mportant that the operator s aware of, and understands, hazardscommon to the operaton of any transcever.◆ EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (GASES, DUST, FUMES, etc.)Turn OFF your transcever whle takng on fuel or whle parked n gasolne servce statons. Donot carry spare fuel contaners n the trunk of your vehcle f your transcever s mounted n thetrunk area.◆ INJURY FROM RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSMISSIONSDo not operate your transcever when somebody s ether standng near to or touchng theantenna, to avod the possblty of rado frequency burns or related physcal njury.◆ DYNAMITE BLASTING CAPSOperatng the transcever wthn 500 feet (150 m) of dynamte blastng caps may cause themto explode. Turn OFF your transcever when n an area where blastng s n progress, or where“TURN OFF TWO-WAY RADIO” sgns have been posted. If you are transportng blastng capsn your vehcle, make sure they are carred n a closed metal box wth a padded nteror. Do nottransmt whle the caps are beng placed nto or removed from the contaner.Ths devce made under lcense under one or more of the followng US Patents: 4,590,473;4,636,791; 4,716,407; 4,972,460; 5,148,482; 5,185,796; 5,271,017; 5,377,229; 5,502,767.The IMBE™ voce codng Technology emboded n ths product s protected by ntellectual propertyrghts ncludng patent rghts, copyrghts, and trade secrets of Dgtal Voce Systems, Inc. Ths vocecodng Technology s lcensed solely for use wthn ths Communcatons Equpment. The user of thsTechnology s explctly prohbted from attemptng to decomple, reverse engneer, or dsassemble theObject Code, or n any other way convert the Object Code nto a human-readable form.