@ VOX SWITCHThis two - position lever switch selects one of the followingfunctions.MAN:VOX:With the switch in this position. the transceiver isswitched into transmit or receive by the stand-byswitch or the PTT switch on the microphone.W ith the switch in this position . the VOX circuit isturned on for voice operated ,transmit on SSB se-m i-automatic break-in operation on CW.@ NB SWITCHThe NB switch turns the built-in noise b la nker circuit on andoff. The noise blanker is designed to redu ce pulsating igni-tion type noises. When the l ever switch is flipped up. thecir cuit is turned on.@ MONI (MONITOR) SWITCHThis sw it ch is used to demodulate part of the output of thetransmit IF amp l ifier for monitoring transmit signals.@) AGC SWITCHThe AGC switch controls the AGC (Automat ic Gain Control)Ci rCuit giving the operator three choices:OFF:FAST:It may be des irab le to turn the AGC off when re-ceiving a very weak signal.The FAST AGC posi t ion is designed for use in CWoperation .SLOW: Use the SLOW AGC position for SSB ope ration .@ PHONES JACKT he headphones jack allows use of a 4 to 16 ohm set ofheadphones with a 1/ 4" phone pl ug attached. When thephones are pl ugged into the transceiver. the speaker is dis-connected.@ MIC CONNECTORThe microphone connector is four pronged . allow i ng use ofthe PTT microphone . Fi gure 2 shows how to w ire the P!ugon the microphone cable.@) MODE SWITCHThe MODE switch is used for selection of type of waves orfor TUNE operation.TUN ;CW :USB :LSB ·FSK :Used for adjustment of transmit c onditions . Theinput power to the final stage is low as comparedwith that for CW so that the final stage tube,s canbe protected against damage due to overloadingduring adjustment. Since the KEY circuit is ino-perative in the TUN mode . the transceiver cannotbe used for transmission or reception .Used for CW operation .Used for USB operation . It is i nternat ion ally de-termined that the 14 . 21 and 28 MHz bands be-long to USB.Used for LSB operation . It is i nternat ionally de-termined that the 3.5 and 7 M Hz bands belong toLSB.For RT TY ope r ation with teletypewriter .@ COMP LEVEL KNOBPull this knob during SSB operation . The speech processoris activated and t he talk - power is increased. Adjust thestate o( compression by turning the knob whi le observi ng. the COMP m eter.@ DELAY KNOBThe DELAY control adju sts the holding time of the VOX cir-cu it for VOX or break -i n CW operation . The control wi ll haveto be adjusted to the preference of the individual operator.@ ANTI VOX KNOBThis control adjusts the level of th e anti VOX s1gnal fed in tothe VOX c irc uit . Adjust the contro l to prevent feedback ofthe speaker from tripping the VOX circuit.@ VOX GAIN KNOBThis control adjusts the sensitivity o f the VOX circuit by ad-justing the gain of the VOX amplifier. for voice contro lledoperat ion.@ RF AIT SWITCH ·Wi th this switch set to ON. ATT {attenuator) of about 20 dBis connected to the antenna ci rcuit . pr otecting the RF ampli-fier and mixer circuit fr om strong i nput signals.@ RIT SWITCHThis is the sw i tch for the RIT {receiver incremental tuning)circuit. To turn on the circuit. press this switch : to turn off.press it once again. The RI T mdicator is illuminated whentt·-··-- ·-··-·- - _../