- - - ·· ··---.:6.4 ADJUSTMENT OF TRANSMITTERSECTIONADJUSTMENT OF TRANSMIT DRI VE COIL(C OIL PA C K UNIT)The drive coil is built in the coil pack unit. Set the SG switc hon the rear pan el to OFF and the DR IVE k nob t o its cent erposition. The n. set t he MET ER swi tch to A LC and theM ODE switch to CW or T UN posit ion .~ .W ith the standby swi tch in the SEND position. adj ust thedrive coils for maxi m um A LC def lection f or each band us ingthe same freque ncy as for the adjustment o f ANT and M IXcoils.During the adj u stme nt. tu rn th e CAR kn ob ju st eno ugh t osw i ng t he mete r (ALC). This adj ustmen t can be started w ithany band.A DJUSTMENT OF TRANSMIT IF COIL( IF AND RF UNITS)Using any freq uency . set the transcei ver in transmit mode at• . CW or TUN posi tion . Adiust TS of t he IF u11i\ and T1 of theRF un it until the m eter (ALC) in dicates m a xim um defl ect ion.-·CARRIER BALANCE ADJUSTMENT {IF UNIT)(See Fig. 3 1)W i th a du mmy load connecte d to t he ANT ter mi nal s. adju stfor the m aximu m output using 14.1 75 MH z freq ue n cy. S etthe transceiver in LS B mode a nd turn th e RF VOLT kn ob. onth e re ar pan el fo r max imu m sensitiv ity. The -point er of theRF me t er wi ll de f lect if th e carrier is unoalanced. In t hiscase. be sure to turn the M IC knob to t he minimu m positio n.To balance the car rier. adj ust the trim mer T Cl and the sem i-fi xed resist or VR2 al te rn at ely until the m eter pointer in-dicates a m inim um p osit ion. Change the mode to U SB andif t he pointer de flect s. t hen rea dj us t so that th e poi nte rd eflects the same a mo u nt f or b ot h LS 8 and U SB .NEUTR A LIZING THE FINAL STAGEAdjust the d r ive and fi nal st a ges comp l ete ly usi ng21.3 MHz . with a dum my load connected.Set th e SG switc h to OFF and m-eas ure the outp u t at theANT te rminals (shorted with d umm y load) wit h a h igh sensi-tiv ity R F vo lt meter or a tester ha vi ng a r ectifying diode suchas 1 N60 . The n tu rn the nuetra li zing variable ca p acito r (TC1vi ewed through the ad justi ng ho le in t he uppe r panel of t hefinal box) f or m inim um outp ut . N orma ll y. it is un necessaryto remove the sh ieldi ng case for th is adju stmen t, b ut be sureto use a insu lat ed screwdriver. Use of a non-i n sulatedscre wd river w i ll resu lt in incorrect ad ju stme n t and alsocause electric sh ocks.ADJUSTMENT OF SIDE TONE LEVEL (AF - AV R UNIT)Ad ju st VR3 to yo ur des ired level.ADJUSTMENT OF MONITOR LEVEL (IF UNIT)Adjust VR4 to your desired level.© 0oo@@(Fig . 31 Coun te r F r qu e nc y Calibra t io n39