Kenwood TS-820 Operating Manual
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PLATE AND L OAD TUN INGCAUTION : When the MODE switch is in the CW IJOSitionthe final tubes draw f uJi pl ate c urrent in transmit. Fin al tubelife as directly rel ated to the l ength of tune - up periods. Donot transmit with the tubes out of resonance for more than10 seconds at a time .Turn the MODE switch to CW , turn the METER switc h to RF ,and set the stand - by switch to the SEND position . Quic kl yadiust the PLATE co ntra! and then t he LOAD contro l alter -nately to peak (mal(imum mete( deflection) the power out -put. If necessary. adjust the RF VOLT co ntrol on the rear pa-nel to bring the output reading to about a 2/3 scale reading.NOTE 1 : The ALC mete r is less deflected at the O N posi-tion or the SG switch or at the CW position of the MODEswitch than at the OFF positio n or the T UN position o f theseswatches. This indicates the normal state o f RF NFB . Th eMIC knob and the CAR knob should be properly adjusted un-der normal transmit . cond ations .NOTE 2 : Transmiss io n is not effected at the WWV or AUXposition of the BAND switch. If the transceiver is left in thetransmit mode ove r a few minutes, th e driver tube 12BY7 Aof the final stage may be damaged .4 . 12 SSB OP E RATIONTune the TS - 820 as described in Sections 4 . l to 4 . 1 1. Setthe MODE switch to USB or LSB and connect a microphoneto the MIC connector .NOTE : International amateur practice dictates using USBor LSB on the following ba nds.3.5 i\1Hz Band LSB7.0 MHz Band LSB14.0 MH z Band USB21.0 MHZ Band USB28.0 MH z: Band USBKey rhe transmatter a nd speak into the microphone with toetone of voice used in normal operat ion . Adjust the M IC con-trol un tal voice peaks are just with in the top limit of the ALCrange printed on the meter scale. The METER switch is inthe ALC posit i on If the transmitter section is driven beyondthis range. t he transmitted signal w i ll b e distorted .PTT OPE RA TI ONBy conn ecting the microphone equipped with PTT switch,the transceiver as readily used for PTT operation . For com-munication. depress PTI switch with STANDBY swi tch le ftin the REC position.20VOX O PERATI ONAclju s< the transceiver as described in the previous para-graph. Flip the VOX switc h on a nd close -talk into the micro -phone. ancreasi ng the VOX GAIN control until t he VOX relayjust operates. For VOX operation it is de sirable to close· talkthe microphone to prevent background no ises from t ripp i ngthe TS-820 mto transmission .Check that the A LC reading for voice peaks is still within theALC range on the meter . If necessary, adj ust the M IC c on-trol for a proper ALC reading.If the VOX circuit is activated by speaker noise. adjust t heANTI -VOX control. Inc rease the cont rol as necessary forproper VOX operation.Do not use more VOX GAIN or more ANT I VOX gain thannecessary to control VOX operation. If the VOX circuittransfers between words. or holds too long. adjust the r e-lease time constant by turning the DELAY control.4.13 CW OPERATIONTun e and load the TS - 820 as described in Sect ions 4. 1th r ough 4. 11 . Conn ect a key to the back panel CW KEYjack. set the MODE switch to CW. and set the stand-byswitch to SEND for transmitting .CW transmissaons are aut omatically monitored through thespeaker of the transceiver. The audio gain of the sidetonecan be adjusted witl'l VR3 on the AF board .For semi-break-in oper at ion. turn the VOX swi t ch on. Holdthe key down and i nc rea se the VOX GAIN contro l, un til theVOX relay just operates. It is desired to change th e releasettme co nstant of the VOX circuit. adjust the DE LAY con tro l.The plate c urrent for · CW operation sh ould be about 200ma Use th e CAR co nt rol to adjust the carrier level f or CWoperation. At 200 ma of IP there may be no ALC reading.OPERATION WITHOUT CW FILTERSet the IF SHIFT knob to its center position and th e RITswitch to the OFF position to receive CW signal. Turn the_ma in tuning knob for about 800 Hz of beat sig nal a nd your1ransmit freque ncy will be set to th e transmit frequency o ft he opposite stati on (zero ing) . Dur in g reception. the sidetone monitor is activated by pressing down the key. In thiscase. listen to the side tone signal and the receive signal andadjust the ma in tuning knob so that the cycle of the sound isincreased. By so doing , the zeroing of frequencies can beachieved. After zeroing. set t he RI T switch to ON and turnthe RIT knob for -the pitch that suits your listening taste.--- ---· - - ·-·--- |
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