Kenwood TS-820 Operating Manual
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~I MU• otr no•U II U•• UlU•l fiii1 •4AIIt ... HII I•ft l'll1•1fltll•jllh1•1•1lti•• I UI••oMnht l.lfi•1111 U•t flll .. llUII • 1M III• Iit lll\•oJ nlt•••"••t iM IO•• •lllti••CI MI •t111n•ol lllo... HIIt •U III1 ot tl llt "''llllt•I IUI• •OIMI1•1K .. t•lll.l•t114te•• II UI•IIIUI-ooi 11 "* "111U•41I IIl•4 NII"•I tl1 h ..ll.i.ll 111"1~f SECTION 2. INSTALLATION I~dllll•tllt\J•O II Itt•O IU.t t • o llll tof.l:ltt t•l"llf ,.ll lll •fllt" •trth t • I•Mf •lfU tt•o ltiU• dtll.. tiU II•t UU "'t lllll •tM II I • Mtl t ,..oi Nff •t• Ho• l ll'lll • l l fln• o UUt •ttl•o• t l f ~t UIIt •tU"f ' " lllf •o tHII "'lll lt •ol llt t • ollllf • oN N I •I UU t •t lt lll • ot W"••It .. I •I IU ft •o tiU t • .ttl1 1•1fiHI•tl l;ltoU ift f•ll'lll 1~2.1 UNPACKINGRemove the TS-820 from i ts shipping box and packingmaterial and examine it for visible damage. If t he equipmenthas been damaged in shipment. save the boxes and packi ngmaterial and notify the transportation company immed ia-tely . It is a good idea to save the boxes and pack ing materi alin any case because they are very useful for shipping or mo-ving the equipment.T he following accessories shou ld be included with t he trans·ceiver:Operating ManualMicrophone Pl ug1 J umpe red 9 - pin Plug (installed)5 RCA Phono Plugs1 Al ignment Too l2 Plastic htension Fe etwith ScrewsAC Power CordSpeaker Plugl 8P US Plug4 Fuse (6A X 2. 4 A X 2)2.2 OPERATION LOCATIONAs w i th any solid state electronic equi pment the TS-820should be kept from extremes of heat and humidity.Choose an operating locatio n that is dry and cool , and avoid ·operating the t ransceiver in direct sun lig ht. A lso. allow atleast 3 inches clearance betwe en the ba ck o f the equipmentand any objec t. This space allows an adeq uate air flow fromthe venti lating fan to keep the transceiver cool.2.3 POWER CONNECTIONSMake sure the POWER sw itch on the front panel of theTS-820 is turned off . th e stand-by switc h is put in t he RECposit ion. and t hat th e voltage sw it ch on th e back of th eTS -820 is sw itched to the correct line voltage ( 120 or 220) .Connect th e POWER cord to an appropriate external powersource.2.4 ANTENNAConnect a 50 """ 7 5 ohms antenna feedline to the coaxialconnector on the rear panel.Fixed Station - Any of the common antenna systems desi -gned f or use on the high freq uen cy amateur ban ds may beused with the T S-820. provided the input impedance of thetran smission line is not outside t he capability of the pi- out-put m at ching network . The transmiss ion li ne should be ofthe coaxial cable type . A n antenna system which shows astanding wave ra t io of less than 2 : 1 when us i ng 50 or 75ohm coaxial transmiss i on li ne . or a system that resu lts in atransmission line input impedance that is esse ntia ll y resisti-ve. and between 1 5 and 200 ohms wil l take power from thetransceiver with li tt le di fficulty . If ope n wire or balanced typetransmission line is used wit h the antenn a. a suitable an-tenna tu ner is re commended between t he transceiver andthe feed line. Me tho ds of constructio n and operat i ng suchtuners are descri bed in detail in the ARRL Antenna Hand-book. and sim ilar publ ication s. For operation on 75 and 40meter band s. a simple dipole antenna. cut to resor1 ance inthe most used por t ion of th e bands. wi ll perform satisfacto-ri ly. Fo r operation of the t ransceiver on the 10. 15. and 20meter bands. the efficiency of the statio n w i ll be greatly in-creased if a good directional rotary antenna is used. Re-member that even the most powerful transceiver is uselesswithout a proper ante nn a.Mobile Station - Mo bi le antenna installations are critical.since any mobile antenna for use on the high frequencybands represen ts a number of compromises . Many ama-teurs lose the e ffi ciency of their antenna through impropertuning . Remember the fol lowi ng points when us i ng theTS-820 wit h a mobile antenna.The "Q" of the antenna loading co il should be as high aspossible. There a re several comme rcial mode ls availablewhic h use h igh "Q '' co il s.The loading coil must be capab le of handling the powe r ofthe transceiver without overheating. In the CW mode thepower outpu t of the transcei ver will exceed 80 watts .The SWR bridge is a useful instrument. but unfortunately itis quite often misunderstood. and overrated in importance .8asically. the SWR br idge will indicate how closely the an-tenna load impedance matc hes the transmission line. Withlong tran smission lines. such as w ill be used in many fixedstat ion installations. it is. desirable to keep the impedancematch f airly close in order to l im it power loss. This is parti -cularly true at ·the higher freque ncies. The longer the line.and the higher the frequency, the more im portant SWR be-comes. However. in mobile installations the transm issionline seldom exceeds 20 fe et in length. and an SWR of even4 to l adds very li ttle power loss. The only t ime SWR wil lindicate a low figure is when the ant enna presents a loadclose the 50 ohms. but ·many mobile a ntennas will have ab ase •mpedance as low as 15 or 20 ohms at their resonantf re quency. In su ch a case. SWR w i ll i ndicate 3 or 4 to l.and yet the system will be rad i ating efficient ly.The really i mportant fac t or in yo ur mob ile ant enna is that isshou ld be carefu ll y tuned to resonance at the desired fre·q uency. The fallacy in us ing an SWR bridge lies in the factt hat it is sometimes possible to red uce t he SWR reading bydetu ning the antenna. Field strength may actually be redu ·ced in an effort to bring SWR dow n. Since field streng th isthe primary goal. we recommend a fie ld stren gth meter forantenna tun ing.5.<'·--------------·-· . .. ·. ... .... - - - - - ---- · --------·--~ - -" |
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