....•..7.4 TRANSMITTER SECTIONSYMPTOMS CAUSERF meter dcflocls with no output (no plate 1. No high vo ltage (+ 80011) on t he final.cu rrent.) tu bes.2. Bad fi nal tubes.3. SG switch is turned o ff .ALC met er d Oll$ n o t de fl ec t and t here is 1. Too l ittle MI C gain.output.Th e TS · 820 will not operate on SSB. 1. Open mic r oph one p lug o r bad micro ·phone.2 . T oo li ttl e microphone gain.3. Defec tive micr ophone ampl if ier on th eGENERATOR board .T here is output , but the AF meter sh ows 1. RF VO LT control no t adjusted cor·no ou t put. rectly.RF meter d eflects t oo far. 1. RF VO LT control no t adjusted cor·rectly.VOX d oes no t operate. 1. VOX GAIN control is closed.2 . VOX switch is OFF. .VOX trip s with AF sound lrom th e spea k· 1. ANTI vox co nt ro l req uire s adjust·er. men t.vox ci rc ui t r ele ases betw ee n w o rd s or 1. VOX time ho ld contro l r equires ad just·ho lds to o long . ment .Excessive plate cur re nt . 1. Detu ned final section.2. Low negati ve powe r supply voltage.3. Idling cu rr ent requ ires adj us tment .Plate curr e nt is too h igh or too low for 1. Carrier requires adjustm e nt .cw.Low d ro ve on one or more bands but no t 1. Tra nsmi tter se ctio n r equires alig nmen t.o n a ll bands .Broad O RIVE tuning on one o r morebands .No drive o r intermitte nt driv e on one or 1. P LL unit requires adjustment.more bands.Low drive a nd br oad DRIV E tuning on all 1. Bad d river tube .bands.Signal repor ts o f ca rrier. 1. Carrie'r requi res balanci ng.Sig nal r eports of d is tort ion. 1. Too much mic roph one gain.Plate c urrent is t oo low . 1. Bad final tubes.Tuning becomes very br o ad .Id ling c urr ent increases.Every rime ei th er of the f ina l tubes ISreplaced, t he TS-8 20 requi r es neutra liza·tio n ... ___ .._.. - ....... - - · - - - ---R EMEDY1. Check th e HV power supp ly .2. Rep l ace th e t ubes.3 . Sl ide t he switch up.1. Increase the MIC GA IN contro l.1. Check th e microphone .2. Increase the MIC GAIN conlrol.3 . Repair the circui t.1. Adjus t control for 2/ 3 scale read ingat fu ll ou t put.1. Adj ust con trol for 2/3 scale re ad ingat full o utput.1. See Section 4. 122. T urn th e sw itch on.1. See Section 4. 12.1. See S ect ion 4 . 12 .1. See Section 6.42. Check the powe r supply o u1pu t.3. Sec Seclion 4. I I1. Adjust CAR control.1. See Sec 1i on 6 .4 .1. S ee Se ction 6.4.1. Rep lace th e tu be .1. See Sec1ion 6 .41. Reduce MI C con t ro l.1. Repla ce the t ubes .1. See Sect ion 6.441----- - -- -.-